Stephen 29th June 2020

Grandad, All my life I’ve always had this joy of looking forward to the next time I would get to see you. The next time I’d receive a letter or hearing the sound of your voice when you answered the phone. Later in life I always remember you telling me to use my English accent so you could understand me better over the phone. Then soon you couldn’t even hear that. I would always ask for you just to talk and I’ll listen. The sound of your voice was all I often cared about when calling you. I didn’t mind if you couldn’t hear me. I will miss your great big smile and tight hugs when you’d see me. Going home was always the hardest. One of my first memories of leaving England was me crying not wanting to leave you. My mom says I was only two, but it’s always been so firmly planted in my memories. You put me on your shoulders and walked me around before getting back to the car to leave. Though I was crying, I remember realizing you were crying with me, amidst your steps and my sobs. In that moment I felt your warmth and love for me and that you would miss me just as much. Even having just a few extra minutes of time with you was always what was needed to cheer me up. I will always flash back to you and gran singing and dancing to make us laugh, you helping me further my love for drawing by giving me tips. Us laughing hysterically at the zoo when a lion got very close to the car and my mum in sheer terror. Forever more each lion we ever saw thereafter was referred to as her best friend with a laugh bringing back happy memories. You radiate joy. I often find moments when with my own kids knowing an influence in me was from you. I will miss hearing "cheerio, you alright kid?" And you calling Tyson “Tiger”. You gave everyone a special moment with your words, even if simple, conveyed your love for us. All my thoughts and my feelings and my memories of you will be forever cherished and you will live on in my heart, never forgotten. Love, Angie (Your Granddaughter)